Synchronised Dressage/Group Riding Clinic
Sat, 07 Sept
|Rural Sports Facility

Time & Location
07 Sept 2024, 9:00 am
Rural Sports Facility, Mansfield Rd, Galston NSW 2159, Australia
About the Event
GEC is excited to offer a new riding initiative to our Members & non Members.
Led by Mark Dobson; would you like to learn how to ride your horse in a controlled group environment? All riding the same gait, the same movement, keeping rhythm and staying in sync. Horses love it, riders love and it, and it introduces a new level of thinking.
We are offering Synchronised Dressage / Group riding for class groups of the following grades: Prelim, Novice and Elementary horse & rider combinations.
The classes are focused on teaching group riding as opposed to a riding lesson.
Ideally, participants should be able to ride the dressage movements for their nominated grade to get the most of the group ride & really have some fun.
Each group will have up to 4 riders, so find your kindred spirited friends and join us.
Cost $50 per member for 1hr Group ride, $60 non members.
Payment to: Account Name: GEC, BSB 633000, Account Number: 1343 48994, Reference: Dobson
Please book with Lisa Umlauff at lisacu1408@hotmail.com or 0414 606 112 and advise your grade for class allocations.
A bit about Mark Dobson
• Educator/Teacher past 25 years introducing beginner riders to Dressage
• EA Coach past 25 years
• Dressage/ Eventing rider of 40 years
• Dressage Judge for past 8 years
• Qualifications in Equine Science & Education